Aquarius – 2023 April Monthly Horoscope

Aquarius, a positive emphasis on your sector of talk and thought highlights a time of interaction, negotiation, and communication. If you work in media, education, publishing, or sales, you could be very busy, and you could also do very well. This is a great time to promote your work, start an online business, or get up to speed with your social media content. With a little effort, you could do very well.

There is also a Libra full moon across your communication axis on April 5, which can highlight opportunities that you might never have considered before. You could be thinking about your future. If so, this lunar phase can highlight steps you can take to secure an opportunity that’s perfect for you.

Luscious Venus moves into Gemini and your romance sector on the tenth, bringing a delightful quality to dates and outings whether you’re solo or already in a relationship. The presence of Venus here can also enhance your creativity and encourage you to make the most of your talents by showcasing them to the world at large.

The big news this month is the solar eclipse in Aries on April 19, which could be a game changer for you. It occurs in your sector of talk and thought and angles toward powerful Pluto in your sign. This eclipse encourages new beginnings, yet you could resist them. Something might be holding you back when the cosmos is actively encouraging you to move forward.

On the twentieth, the sun enters earthy Taurus for a stay of around four weeks, highlighting your home and family sector. This is an opportunity to nurture yourself, get your bearings, and spend quality time with close ones.

Finally, chatty Mercury turns retrograde on April 21, which could coincide with a reunion but also with delays and mixed messages. Give yourself plenty of time to complete everything.

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