Aries – 2024 April Monthly Love Horoscope

As an April Fool’s Day prank from the Universe, Mercury goes retrograde in your first house of identity on April 1, which can really throw you off your game. You’ll struggle to navigate this tough time in your love life as attempts to flirt and be cute end in awkward silences and uncomfortable misunderstandings.

However, your luck improves when lovely Venus moves into your fiery sign on the fourth, so go ahead and shoot your shot. Your up-front attitude gains you new followers or is popular with a current partner who is tired of guessing what’s on your mind. Take the initiative and express your feelings with confidence.

Your active sign hosts a new moon and solar eclipse on April 8, increasing your energy and possibly your frustration level. If you’re in a relationship, sex is quick but satisfying. If you don’t have a steady partner, though, you’ll need to find a healthy outlet (sports, exercise, working overtime) to release tension and keep you in a positive mood.

When your powerful, driven home planet Mars enters your competitive sign on the thirtieth, you’re set on accomplishing your love goals and “winning” at all costs. But do you know what you’re playing for, Aries? The only way that the end justifies the means is if you know the answer to that question.

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