Pisces – 2024 April Monthly Love Horoscope

It feels like you can’t win sometimes during Mercury retrograde. Another reverse cycle, this time in tactless Aries, starts on April 1, twisting your words and potentially hurting someone’s feelings. But even though you’re having trouble expressing how you truly feel, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep trying until you get it right.

Affectionate Venus moves into enthusiastic Aries on the fourth, encouraging bold romantic action. If you like someone, let them know in a big, public way. If you love them, shout it out for the world to hear. There’s no reason to keep things bottled up, Aquarius. It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all!

On April 19, aggressive Mars sextiles your rebellious leader Uranus, resulting in a high risk/high reward window of opportunity. You have to bet a lot to win a lot, right? This aspect doesn’t promote holding anything back. There are new romantic opportunities waiting for you to grab hold of and run with. What are you waiting for?

The pace slows when Venus enters patient Taurus on the twenty-ninth, which makes you realize that everything doesn’t have to happen ASAP. You’ve been caught up in the moment lately, but taking things slowly can be fun too. Focus on building anticipation and having something to look forward to. Realizing what’s truly important helps.

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