Gemini – 2023 August Monthly Horoscope

Most beneficial planet for your sign Venus is moving via retrograde motion and will become combust in your third house, from the 3rd of this month, to advise you to manage your family and finances more efficiently. Retrograde Venus will come back into Cancer sign, on 7th July, which may reduce your happiness quotient, up to an extent.

It will be best for you to increase your vigilance mechanism, to stay protected. Entry of Mars in Virgo sign, on the 18th of this month, is another auspicious transit in the sky, to reap the benefits of hard work done in the past. Sign change of the Sun, on 17th August, to be associated with Mars and Mercury, in His own sign Leo, to bring significant developments around.

The formation of ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, during 17th and 18th of this month, is another assertive point for you to stay blessed. Divine aspect of retrograde Jupiter, Rahu and retrograde Saturn on your sign lord Mercury, during this entire month of August, will play an auspicious role for you, giving you the foresight to stay ahead in your social circles. Your sign lord Mercury is changing motion on the 24th of this month, in fiery sign Leo, to increase your efforts and fetch viable results.

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