Virgo – 2023 August Monthly Horoscope

Your sign lord Mercury will change His motion on the 24th of August, in Leo sign and being aspected by retrograde Saturn, to advise you to remain alert in major financial deals with less known parties. Mars is going to enter into your sign, on the 18th of August, to influence your eighth house of longevity, which is His ‘MoolTrikona’ sign Aries.

On the 17th of this month, the Sun will enter into Leo sign that might bring pressure of expenditures on your financial budget. Rising of retrograde Venus in Cancer sign on the 18th of August is going to show you the silver lining in relationship matters.

Saturn is now moving through retrograde motion in your sixth house of competitions, in His ‘MoolTrikona’ sign Aquarius, to become very auspicious and powerful and allow you to display your management skills appropriately and receive more than satisfactory responses.

During this entire month, the presence of Jupiter and Rahu in your eighth house of longevity indicates significant growth, to rewrite your success story as well as connect you with potentially strong resources and give you encouraging outputs. Your sign lord Mercury is slipping into combustion, on 31st August, being weak in power and suggesting you change your action plan regarding work and ensure success, without fail.

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