Taurus – 2023 July Monthly Love Horoscope

Your cosmic leader Venus is in exciting Leo as the month begins, and she immediately squares Uranus (in your stubborn sign) on July 2. This can be a shaky time in a current relationship or one that’s just getting started, so expect the unexpected. Fireworks are pretty to look at, but they can also start a fire that gets out of control extremely quickly.

Chatty Mercury leaves shy Cancer for outspoken Leo on the tenth, which can help you boldly express your thoughts and feelings. It’s tempting to brag about your impressive romantic moments, Taurus, but think twice about posting details on social media. Do you really want to put your private moments out there for public consumption?

On July 22, Venus turns retrograde while still paired with dramatic Leo, suggesting that you reconsider making major romantic moves. Big, grand gestures can go over really well or land with a giant thud. Maybe hold off until you’re more convinced that you’ll get a positive response.

Luckily, a Mercury-Venus meetup in charming Leo on the twenty-seventh gives off more confident vibes. You’re hard to resist now, so make your move. Getting this W is so much sweeter after the struggle you had earlier in the month.

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