Gemini – 2023 July Monthly Love Horoscope

Your second house of security and self-worth is getting attention from quick-moving Mercury as July begins, and there’s a reaffirming Mercury-Jupiter sextile on the first that helps you have an optimistic outlook on everything. Even if you aren’t in the position you want to be in right now regarding love, money, etc., you feel like you will be soon. Lucky you!

On July 10, an intensely emotional Mercury-Pluto opposition brings some interesting conversations between you and a current or future partner about things that you might not want to talk about. The more they insist, the more uncomfortable it makes you. If things get weird, Gemini, be prepared to walk away, at least in the moment.

A Cancer new moon on the seventeenth hints at new beginnings, especially surrounding fertility and other ways to grow your family. If you’re pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant, adopting, using a surrogate, etc., this is excellent lunar energy to get things started.

You’re super confident during the Mercury-Venus conjunction in persistent Leo on July 27, making this a great day to chat up your crush, flirt with strangers, or approach a current partner with an important request. If you get any negative responses, you’ll be crushed. You hadn’t even considered that anyone would say no to you during this self-assured meetup!

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