Aries – 2023 March Monthly Love Horoscope

Aries You’re a daring, risk-taking love machine as the month starts with passionate Venus positioned in your confident first house. You do have feelings, but you like to express them in a very physical way.

On March 14, your ambitious ruler Mars squares off against sometimes lazy Neptune, sending out low-energy vibes and surrounding your love life with suspicion and deceit. It’s hard to work though certain relationship issues or start something new with this negativity filling you with doubt.

Responsive Venus leaves the excitement of your fire sign to pair up with set-in-its-ways Taurus on the sixteenth, bringing up the same old arguments and raising control issues. Giving out ultimatums and making threats never works in your favor, Aries.

Conversational Mercury enters your direct sign on March 18, and the sun follows two days later, infusing you with the confidence to be your true self and say exactly what’s on your mind. It takes an equally strong person to love your strong, opinionated (and sometimes rude) personality, but they’re out there. If you haven’t already found them, don’t lose hope.

Forceful Mars is softened by sensitive, thoughtful, touchy Cancer on the twenty-fifth. Sex should take more time now. Enjoy every minute.

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