Gemini – 2023 March Monthly Love Horoscope

You have some very lofty career ambitions as Mercury travels into dreamy Pisces and your tenth house on March 2, but where does your love life fit in? While your thoughts for the month are mainly on your job, you welcome romantic distraction. Escaping into a fantasy world is necessary when things get a little too real.

On the sixteenth, a dreamy Mercury-Neptune conjunction encourages you to dive into the deep end of spirituality, secrets, and the occult. This is an exciting time to delve into the unknown with a current or potential partner. Sharing an eerie or miraculous experience strengthens your bond.

Your quick-thinking leader Mercury partners with fast-moving, spontaneous Aries on March 18, so you have no filter for the next several weeks. Saying exactly what’s on your mind is refreshing to some people and a huge turnoff to others. Pay attention to a partner’s or date’s body language to see if they’re digging what you’re saying or not.

Great news could be on the way during the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction on the twenty-eighth, but just let things happen naturally instead of trying to guess what the next moment might bring. Love’s little surprises can put a big smile on your face during this fortunate aspect.

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