Sagittarius – 2023 March Monthly Love Horoscope

Your luck-provoking ruler Jupiter continues its journey through spicy Aries this month, and it joins Venus in a hot and steamy conjunction on March 1. What will the Universe conjure up for your love life now? How about some true happiness for a change! It’s so nice not to have to worry about very much now.

A Virgo full moon illuminates your tenth house of success and recognition on the seventh, sending you on a quest for balance between your career and personal life. If your relationship or dating life has been getting in the way of your job, or vice versa, you’ll be seeking to remedy that now. Look for a logical solution during this analytical lunation.

Your love life gets a passionate boost from the bright Aries sun starting on March 20, and for the next month you might feel more competitive and confident. As this solar presence lights up your fifth house, games and sports will be in your love life, but winning isn’t the most important thing. Being a sore loser is very unattractive, Sag!

You can look forward to good luck guiding your love life during the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction on the twenty-eighth, which is great news if nothing you’ve been trying lately has been working. Give up control to the Universe for a change and see what happens. Fate is looking out for you.

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