Cancer – Mercury Retrograde Horoscope

Get ready to journey deep into the recesses of your subconscious, dear Cancer, as Mercury retrogrades through your 10th house of career and public image. This retrograde period shines a spotlight on your professional life, prompting you to review your goals, ambitions, and reputation in the eyes of the world.

With Mercury retrograding in your career sector, you may find yourself revisiting past projects, reassessing your career trajectory, or encountering delays and miscommunications in professional matters. While frustrations may arise, remember that every setback is an opportunity for growth and refinement.

Take this time to reflect on your long-term career aspirations and whether they still align with your true passions and values. Are you on the right path, or is it time to course-correct? Listen to your intuition and inner guidance as you navigate through these questions, trusting that the answers will reveal themselves in due time.

Be mindful of the potential for misunderstandings or conflicts with authority figures or colleagues during this period. Choose your words carefully and practice patience and diplomacy in professional interactions. Remember that collaboration and compromise are key to overcoming any obstacles that may arise.

Despite the challenges, this retrograde phase also offers a valuable chance to redefine your public image and professional identity. Embrace the opportunity to shed old patterns or limitations that no longer serve you and step into a new, empowered version of yourself. Trust in your abilities, dear Cancer, and let your intuition be your guide as you navigate through this period of cosmic recalibration.

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