Libra – Mercury Retrograde Horoscope

Hold onto your scales, Libra, as Mercury begins its retrograde dance through your 7th house of partnerships and relationships! This cosmic event prompts a period of reflection and reassessment in matters concerning your closest connections, both personal and professional.

With Mercury retrograding in your 7th house, you’re called to review the dynamics of your partnerships and evaluate the balance of give-and-take. Take a closer look at your communication style within relationships and seek to resolve any lingering conflicts or misunderstandings. Patience and diplomacy will be your allies during this period, as you navigate through potential challenges in your interactions with others.

Be mindful of the tendency to idealize or romanticize the past during this retrograde phase. While nostalgia can be comforting, it’s essential to stay grounded in reality and focus on building healthy, equitable partnerships moving forward.

This retrograde period also offers a chance to revisit past relationships or reconnect with old friends and colleagues. Embrace the opportunity for closure or reconciliation, but remain discerning about who you allow back into your inner circle.

Despite the potential challenges, this retrograde phase presents a valuable opportunity for growth and deeper understanding within your relationships. Embrace the process of self-discovery and interpersonal reflection, trusting that it will lead to greater harmony and fulfillment in your connections with others. Stay open-hearted, dear Libra, and let the cosmic winds guide you towards greater love and understanding.

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