New Moon In Gemini Horoscopes – June 18, 2023

New Moon In Gemini Horoscopes – June 18, 2023

The New Moon in June 2023 is just what you need to get the summer going. If you’ve been feeling flirtier and friskier lately, you’re likely under the sway of Gemini season, the time of the year when the astrology lines up with our need to socialize, converse, and connect with friends, new and old alike.

With Gemini being symbolic of ‘The Twins,’ there is always a dual nature to this sign – and that is certainly how this New Moon in Gemini is manifesting this month. This is because the sky aligns to give us double the opportunities but also could have us second-guessing our instincts. Hello Gemini season 2023 am I right?

The New Moon in Gemini will join up with the Sun, forming a potent New Moon in the sky that’s filled with potential for auspicious new beginnings and fresh starts. But with the New Moon June 2023 forming an almost exact square with foggy Neptune, we could see feelings of doubt and discomfort creep into what otherwise could be a clear and clarifying path forward. Thus, your need for change could inspire you with new and creative ideas that are quickly met with questions from yourself or others about the probabilities or potential pitfalls.

Your cosmically-aligned wisdom is to avoid falling into negative thinking or feedback loops – instead, remember that a New Moon is never time for answers. It’s a time to take a leap of faith. It’s an invitation to trust yourself and the Universe. Lean into where your mind is taking you – and follow your curiosities to their natural conclusion. You won’t miss what is meant for you – unless you never try to go after it.

New Moon in Gemini Horoscopes


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