Cancer – 2023 October Monthly Horoscope

Individuals born under the zodiac sign of Cancer will experience a measured and generally calm month. In October 2023, Cancerians can afford to relax a little or, conversely, push themselves harder. It won’t change the bigger picture. However, in the latter case, they may expect some additional bonus on one of their projects.

As for interpersonal relationships, October may become a strange and illogical period in this regard. The thing is, Cancer will start behaving a bit too assertively, too critically, and too amorous. It will turn out somewhat grotesque, as if they put on clown shoes six sizes too big and started running a hundred-meter dash. For example, if they enter a jewelry store to seek shelter from the rain, Cancer will start examining the displayed goods, try on jewelry, and eventually buy a ring that they’ll be paying for over several years.

They do this just so that the salespeople won’t think they entered the store only because of the rain. In simpler terms, Cancerians will start complicating their own lives and contradicting themselves. Or in their relationships with a loved one, they will allow themselves behavior that goes far beyond their usual limits. Cancerians will make so many advances that their partner will be convinced of their commitment. In order to not appear foolish, those born under this sign will have to perform actions that will strain them intensely and frustrate them in the future. In short, in October, Cancerians will either have to pull themselves together and be authentic rather than just appearing to be, or start preparing for upcoming troubles.

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