Libra – 2023 October Monthly Horoscope

In October 2023, individuals born under the zodiac sign of Libra may find themselves in a difficult situation or may miscalculate while planning something interesting and profitable for themselves. Their plans will appear well-structured and quite beneficial. Moreover, they will have a complete understanding of what is happening. Libras will observe the process in all its nuances and admire its smoothness and strict beauty. Therefore, it will be all the more unexpected and painful when someone’s mistake disrupts the progress of the project or things don’t go as planned. In this situation, Libras’ natural calmness may change. They may become furious and say so much that they themselves will suffer from the consequences of their outburst.

If Libras manage to control their hatred towards the world, they can salvage the results of their work in October. The most important thing is to let go of the anger and then slowly move towards the point of the catastrophe in the vector of time. It is not necessary to start over. Even better, don’t start over. Since the project was well-organized from the beginning, it will be enough to rectify the mistake and continue with the enterprise. Even if the sabotage turns out to be significant, Libras will manage to bring the project to a logical conclusion. Perhaps they won’t take first place, but they will surely make it into the top three. And they shouldn’t be resentful towards incompetent assistants if the mistake was made by them. It will be advantageous for Libras to calmly, without nerves, take control and do everything themselves. As a result, it will be others who apologize to Libras rather than demanding apologies from them if the circumstances allow for their annoyance.

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