Virgo – Venus in Libra Horoscope

Fiscal restraint is a good thing, but when luxury-loving Venus lopes into Libra and your material-minded second house from November 8 to December 4, the urge to splurge may prove irresistible. An unrestrained retail-therapy spree isn’t recommended, however. For starters, there’s the matter of the credit card bill. For another thing, the minute you cut the tags off your new treasures, they’ll lose some of their shimmer. (That’s just how brain chemistry works).

So make a deal with yourself, o’ analytical one. Home in on a few objects that make your heart sing every time you see them. Research prices and find THE best deal. Your Venus in Libra horoscope encourages you to set a budget…and over the coming four weeks, let yourself indulge! Just make sure things are as practical as they are beautiful.

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