Cancer Weekly Horoscope

This week, Mars conjunct Neptune on April 29th activates your ninth house of higher learning and adventure, inspiring you to explore new horizons with passion and enthusiasm. You may feel compelled to expand your knowledge and seek out new experiences that broaden your perspective on life. Embrace opportunities for growth and take bold steps towards your personal and intellectual development.

As Venus enters Taurus on April 29th, you’ll experience a sense of pleasure and harmony in your eleventh house of friendships and aspirations. This transit encourages you to connect with like-minded individuals and to cultivate meaningful relationships within your social circle. Focus on fostering connections that bring joy and support into your life.

However, with Venus square Pluto on May 1st, tensions may arise in your career or public image. This square occurs in your tenth and seventh houses, highlighting potential power struggles or conflicts with authority figures. Be mindful of controlling or manipulative behavior, and strive for integrity and diplomacy in your professional interactions.

As Mars enters Aries on April 30th, you’ll feel a surge of energy and assertiveness in your tenth house of career and public image. This transit empowers you to take action towards your professional goals and to assert your authority within your chosen field. Focus on pursuing your ambitions with confidence and determination.

In terms of advice, trust in your intuition and follow your passions as you navigate any challenges or conflicts. Stay focused on your long-term goals and don’t be afraid to assert yourself in your career pursuits. Remember to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prioritize self-care to ensure your overall well-being.

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