Gemini Weekly Horoscope

This week is ripe with opportunities for personal growth and exciting changes in your inner world and identity! The Moon’s conjunction with Uranus in your 12th house of the subconscious on July 29 may bring sudden insights and shifts in your inner emotional landscape. Use this time for deep self-reflection and to explore any hidden emotions or desires that arise.

On July 30, the Moon aligns with Jupiter in your 1st house of self and identity, enhancing your personal growth and optimism. This is a perfect moment to embrace new beginnings and showcase your true self. The energy supports positive changes to your appearance and self-expression, allowing you to make a strong impression on others.

As Venus squares Uranus on August 2, impacting your 9th house of travel and philosophy, you may encounter unexpected shifts in your beliefs or plans for the future. Be open to new perspectives and flexible with any changes in your travel or educational pursuits. Embrace these transformative experiences as opportunities for growth and expansion.

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