Aries Weekly Horoscope

This week is filled with electrifying energy for you, Aries! As the Sun moves into intense Scorpio on October 22, you may feel a deep desire to transform certain aspects of your life. This Scorpio energy pushes you to dig beneath the surface and confront what needs to change. At the same time, Mercury’s trine with Saturn on the same day brings clarity and discipline to your thoughts, making it a fantastic time to set long-term goals or tackle a project that requires patience and focus.

The Sun squaring Pluto on October 22 may trigger some internal power struggles, but if you stay grounded, you can use this tension to fuel personal growth. The best part of your week comes when Mars, your ruling planet, sextiles Uranus on October 25. This aspect brings a burst of unexpected excitement, innovation, and even some bold decisions. You’ll feel more daring than usual, so don’t be surprised if you take risks that lead to breakthroughs. Stay open to change, and you’ll be amazed by where it leads.

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