Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo, this week invites you to communicate on a deeper level and embrace a transformative shift in how you express yourself. With the Sun entering Scorpio on October 22, your mind becomes sharp, intuitive, and focused on uncovering truths. You’ll be drawn to deep conversations and may find yourself learning or teaching something profound. Mercury, your ruling planet, forms a powerful trine with Saturn on the same day, offering you the discipline to tackle long-term projects, particularly those related to writing, contracts, or education. This is the perfect week to solidify plans and communicate your ideas clearly.

However, the Sun’s square to Pluto on October 22 may bring some tension, especially in matters of communication or with siblings and neighbors. You may feel challenged to defend your ideas or beliefs, but remember that Scorpio’s energy can help you rise above and transform through adversity. The week ends on an exciting note when Mars sextiles Uranus on October 25. Expect a sudden opportunity to explore new horizons, whether through travel, learning, or a change in your daily routine. This is your chance to break free from the mundane and embrace the new with enthusiasm!

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