Libra – Weekly Money & Work Horoscope

This week, significant astrological shifts occur in your tenth house of career and public image, Libra. The New Moon in Taurus on May 8th activates this area of your chart, signaling a fresh start in your professional life. Use this cosmic energy to set new intentions for your career path and long-term aspirations. Whether it’s pursuing a promotion, starting a new project, or exploring a different career path, trust in your abilities and take bold steps towards your goals. Embrace opportunities to showcase your talents and demonstrate your leadership skills in your professional endeavors.

Additionally, as the Sun sextiles Saturn on May 7th, you’re supported in taking practical steps towards achieving your ambitions. This harmonious aspect encourages you to be disciplined and methodical in your approach to work. Focus on building a solid foundation for your future success, and don’t shy away from responsibilities or challenges. By demonstrating your reliability and competence, you can earn the respect and recognition you deserve in your professional sphere.

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