Scorpio – Weekly Money & Work Horoscope

Get ready for a week full of transformative changes and opportunities in your career and finances! On July 29, the Moon conjoins Uranus in Taurus in your 7th house of partnerships and relationships. This alignment may bring unexpected shifts in your professional partnerships or collaborative efforts. Be open to new and unconventional approaches to working with others and embrace changes that could enhance your career prospects.

On July 30, the Moon conjoins Jupiter in Gemini, highlighting your 6th house of work and daily routines. This aspect brings a sense of expansion and optimism to your work environment and financial matters related to your daily responsibilities. It’s a great time to focus on improving your work processes and exploring new opportunities for growth and advancement.

Venus square Uranus on August 2 may introduce some unexpected developments in your financial or career plans. This aspect influences your 4th house of home and family. Be prepared for sudden changes or disruptions in your home environment or family dynamics that could impact your career and financial situation. Stay adaptable and open to finding creative solutions to navigate through these changes effectively.

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