Leo – Weekly Money & Work Horoscope

This week shines a spotlight on exciting developments in your career and finances! On July 29, the Moon conjoins Uranus in Taurus in your 10th house of career and public image. This alignment can bring unexpected opportunities or changes in your professional life. Be prepared to embrace sudden shifts or innovative ideas that could advance your career. Trust your instincts and take bold actions to leverage these opportunities.

When the Moon conjoins Jupiter in Gemini on July 30, it activates your 9th house of higher education and long-term goals. This aspect brings a sense of expansion and optimism to your career and financial plans. It’s a fantastic time to explore new learning opportunities or pursue ambitious projects. Use this energy to broaden your horizons and seek growth in your professional and financial pursuits.

Venus square Uranus on August 2 may bring some surprising developments in your financial or career matters. This aspect affects your 2nd house of personal resources and values. Be ready for unexpected changes or disruptions in your financial plans. While these surprises may feel unsettling, they could also present opportunities for innovative approaches and breakthroughs. Stay flexible and open to adapting your strategies as needed.

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