Pisces – Weekly Money & Work Horoscope

Your vision for the future is crystal clear this week, Pisces! On October 22nd, the Sun enters Scorpio, lighting up your sector of expansion and higher learning. You may feel a strong urge to broaden your horizons, whether through professional development, learning new skills, or exploring opportunities abroad. This is a powerful time for career growth, especially if you’re looking to break into new markets or start a project that requires a broader perspective. With Mercury trine Saturn, your practical side comes to the forefront, helping you turn big dreams into achievable steps. Now is the time to make long-term plans for your financial and career growth.

However, with the Sun squaring Pluto, there could be some tension regarding the direction you want to take. You might feel pressure from others to conform to their expectations, but don’t let that derail your plans. Stand your ground and trust your instincts. By October 25th, Mars sextile Uranus brings a burst of exciting, unexpected energy. You might encounter a surprise opportunity that involves travel, education, or expanding your professional network. This could be the fresh, innovative boost you need to take your career or finances to the next level. Embrace the change, Pisces—it’s leading you somewhere thrilling!

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