Monthly Horoscope

What your world needs now is love, sweet love, Scorpio. Fortunately, you're not only in a position to experience the...
It seems as though your work life is running as smooth as ever as February opens up. Your relationship with...
More romance is on the agenda for you and your sweetheart and you'll begin to feel it as early as...
February opens up with you still very much intoxicated from the Lunar Eclipse in your sign on January 31. This...
After December 6 you might prefer to keep your romantic life under wraps. Perhaps you and your sweetheart simply crave...
In many ways, you are unstoppable this December. Mars, the planet of assertive drive, entered your sign last month and...
This month there will be a heavy focus on money. Fortunately, it appears as if you're ready to take control...
This will be a key month for relationship and financial matters. Fortunately, communication between you and your mate will be...
Your domestic life will be bustling this month. Perhaps you're starting a major renovation. If so, you'll find the perfect...
Your love life is on fire this month! Mars, the planet of assertive drive and libido, entered your 5th House...
This will be a pivotal month for you in work and career matters. The key to your success this month...
Your relationship will be anything but boring this month. Mars, the planet of action and libido, entered your 7th House...
Expenses might run higher than usual this month. Last month, Mars entered your 8th House of Shared Resources and will...
This month holds a vital development for you in a partnership, either business or personal. On December 10 the Sun...
Expect a joyful month professionally. In fact, you will be in a most enviable position thanks to a convergence of...
Time with friends should be quite enjoyable this month. In fact, after December 7, you'll enjoy extra love and harmony...
Get ready for a mentally stimulating and fulfilling November! If you're a writer or work in the communications industry, you...
Your living situation is changing in the most incredible way possible. Adding to that, this month offers spectacular opportunities for...